P. 5 – 6
1 on 1: $620 / hour
The Classes English lessons are designed to establish a solid foundation for primary students. Strong focus is placed on writing, such as structural organization, context and the correct use of grammar and sentence structures. Interesting reading comprehensions are used to expand students’ vocabulary base and enhance their detailed reading ability. Compared with purely correct answers, we pay more attention to how students use knowledge to improve their thinking skills in order to become knowledgeable independent thinkers.
F. 1 - 3
1 on 1 : F.1: $660 / hour
F.2: $700 / hour
F.3: $740 / hour
We use reading materials which provide students a global view of our world, spanning from expository, persuasive, narrative, to genres excerpted from international magazines to authoritative fiction and non-fiction authors, allowing their reading skills and world knowledge to mature at the same time.
Students learn writing skills imbedded in reading texts so they gradually develop their own styles to deliver meaningful ideas with effective techniques in writing, enhancing their reading and writing skills simultaneously.
We integrate critical thinking skills into our lessons to nurture students’ higher brain development as their evaluative reasoning starts to mature, giving them a sense of meaning and purpose in studying, not only in English, but other subjects as well.
Instead of only following instructions, we build students’ evaluative ability to their own work, other’s work and the world around them so high grades come naturally from their own clarity of hows and whys.


F. 4 – 6
F.4: $780 / hour
F.5: $820 / hour
F.6: $860 / hour
Reading Paper:
Equip students with the skills to identify the main ideas and purposes in various text types and extract useful information for inferencing and referencing.
Become skilful in answering multiple types of long, short and MC questions in the reading paper such as sequencing, cloze and contrasting.
Learn to identify, understand and analyze the context behind the words; how subtle language impacts the meaning of the text.
Build students’ perspicacity on what the questions aim for them to answer.
Writing Paper:
Teach students the thinking skills on how to powerfully convince the audience.
Build students’ reasoning skills to analyze the best approach to employ for each writing task.
Provide methodologies to create strong ideas and support to effectively persuade the reader.
Teach students how to shape ideas into an organized coherent essay.
Listening Paper:
Build students’ ability to interpret the purpose of the tasks and analyze what to extract from the data file.
Evaluate and employ the proper tone appropriate to the task.
Develop students' capacity to write with a clear purpose in mind under exam pressure.
Speaking Paper:
The speaking paper may count the least percentage in HKDSE but fluent speaking and presentation skills may become the deciding factor on acceptance at college interviews. And for such importance, we train students’
Fluency and rhetoric
Meaningful content under restricted time limit
Improvising response based on changing situations
Body language and composure